Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla imperdiet lectus vel leo tempor, ac blandit lacus pretium. Donec vitae convallis sem. Aliquam iaculis sagittis nisl, et faucibus urna consectetur vel. Fusce imperdiet augue nec feugiat tincidunt. Cras tincidunt felis a arcu aliquet pretium. Proin ac risus sed urna fringilla tincidunt ut nec lacus. Quisque et velit a tellus consectetur auctor. Sed condimentum euismod arcu, sed pulvinar libero blandit ac. Suspendisse pharetra quam et nisl porta, eget sodales augue volutpat.
This worksheet describes the “symptoms” of phone addiction. It provides a checklist of behaviors that might indicate a problem. It also eight suggests on how to become less dependent on a phone if it is interfering with other aspects of your life. A chart is provided to help people develop a plan to decrease their phone dependence. (1221, phone addiction, addiction, relationships)
But managing expectations and taking care of everyone else’s needs can be depleting, and soon enough all the stress of pleasing others will take a toll on your wellbeing.
This worksheet suggests eight techniques to help people deal with intense feelings after a breakup. Follow-up questions ask people to explore their anger and think about new coping techniques. (1121, marriage, breakup, divorce, anger, relationships)
This worksheet teaches a 3-step process to help people judge situations appropriately, gain insight into their thought processes, compare their inner world to the external world, and more. It is designed to help people be objective, seek the perspective of others, and pay attention to reactions. (1121. Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, anxiety disorders, awareness)
This worksheet teaches the importance of making more deposits than withdrawals in a relationship. (0610, relationships)
This worksheet is designed to help people deal with anyone who they consider annoying. It gives them specific tactics to deal with a variety of annoying behavior. (0521. relationships, social skills, conflict resolution)
This worksheet gives families ideas to improve their communication and become more supportive of each other. (0321, family therapy, social skills, communication)
These Coping Cards can be used by people who want to replace negative behaviors with positive ones. A useful technique to help in breaking negative habits. Spanish Version. (Spanish, 0221, negative thinking)
This worksheet helps people think about how to build their interpersonal network to build a career. (0221, coaching, career, work)